A Page from Princess Diana
“I like to be a free spirit. Some don’t like that, but that’s the way I am.”
~Princess Diana
Yes, I’m a free spirit. I have lots of tattoos-all of which have a story. I love to dress in feminine, sexy clothes. I sometimes cuss and rage. I even enjoy having strands of turquoise, red, or pink in my hair at times. Glittery eye shadow makes me happy. With loss, struggle, and tragedy, I have learned that life is worth living, fully and unabashedly.
People have judged me, misunderstood me, and even hated and scorned me. They don’t know that I’m a woman of faith, a loving and dedicated mother, a crazy-in-love wife with a husband I adore, a fan of Christian music which is always blaring in my car while I’m singing at the top of my lungs, have several degrees and businesses, have acted as a Arlington Lady at military funerals with complete decorum, and so much more.
I know quite readily how “to be appropriate”, dress for the occasion, and conform to traditional expectations. However, I also embrace being authentic. It’s critical that we always be uniquely us. Authentic in every way. I hope I inspire YOU to be YOU. Welcome your authentic self with open arms and use every gift you have to fulfill your destined purpose.